This week, we’re naming our coolboy as Russian model Den Wok. Clearly born to model, his muscular physique, chiselled jaw and high cheek bones make him an obvious choice for Spanish brand Addicted. Featuring in both Addicted campaigns and brother brand ES Collection campaigns, his appeal to men and women is clear.

A few years back he appeared in the Addicted Underwear ‘Playful’ campaign, shot by Joan Crisol, in which he played out a young man battling between his two consciences. The safe and boring side and the side looking for adventure in an Arabian-inspired land. What he actually found was Addicted underwear and a man in a closet, but hey, not everyone’s a born story teller. The narrative of the story, we think, is that with Addicted underwear, you can become anyone you want, and that’s a pretty good way to live you life huh? You can watch it here…




There isn’t too much more to say (or google) about Den Wok, he’s clearly a man of mystery! But we’re sure with his body and looks his modelling career isn’t about to stop any time soon. He’s even comfortable posing around lots of leaves, and you know that makes for a good model when you can get your pose on next to some nature!